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Exinda Enterprise and Branch Office
helps organizations reduce IT complexity and cost

Performance at a Distance

Today's workforce is increasingly distributed, with more users connecting to the corporate network from across the globe. Many companies have consolidated IT resources in data centers and are leveraging direct Internet access in order to reduce costs. But when non-strategic traffic drains network resources, the performance of business critical applications at the branch office often degrades. When managed correctly, these business applications can perform as promised for all users across the extended enterprise, without investing in extra bandwidth to support remote locations.

Optimize Your WAN Spend

Long wait times when accessing business critical applications is common for branch offices with limited WAN resources. We deliver insight into how users, devices and applications are performing across all of your locations so you can manage bandwidth more effectively, take control of your network and avoid costly bandwidth upgrades.

Reduce Need for Highly Trained IT Staff

Data-driven organizations stay ahead of competitors by leveraging analytics to understand and anticipate customer needs and shifts in the marketplace. We leverage proactive QoE diagnostics, advanced analytics and codified subject matter expertise to tell our clients - What happened / is happening and what you should do to fix problems impacting end users.