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Exinda Cloud Application Control
Delivering the quality of experience users expect

Guarantee a Smooth Transition to Cloud Applications

According to Gartner, the number of companies utilizing cloud-based applications is expected to jump by 60% in the next 5 years. Whether it's employing SharePoint, Salesforce or Google Apps for Business, Exinda's Cloud Application Control helps you make a smooth transition to the cloud without sacrificing application performance.

Don't Let WAN Prevent Adoption

When moving any business critical application to the cloud, employee adoption is essential to realizing ROI. When these applications perform as promised, users have no barriers to adopting new technology. With our policy-driven QoE control, we help you prioritize your cloud applications so that users always experience the optimal application performance they need to be productive and drive business success.

Maximize Your Cloud Investment

Cloud applications must be treated differently from other Internet traffic in order to deliver predictable performance. With real-time health sensing, proactive recommendations and automated diagnostics of your network, we help you guarantee the user experience you need to achieve the full operational benefits of your cloud application deployments.